Use to go to Volant Scorpion Sq. twice a year. The only thing I hated about it was the
running and the obstacle course. Oh ya they also had a Bayonet Course that was real tuff as well. Click on
on the Scorpion to got to the GCRES Home Page
I know all the guys that are on Squad 1 and 2, All of them came from the 314 Security Police
Volant Scorpion
1314 GCRES /Ground Combat
Readiness Evaluation Sq.
Staff Sgt. James Bradsher demonstrates the use of a Soviet-made RPG-7 portable rocket
launcher during exercise Volant Scorpion.
Jim and I knew each other from the 314 Security Police Sq. I'm also pretty sure
he got the rpg at Grenda when the Cadre was sent there.